PAY IT FORWARD – The Healing Tree Project

We invite you to pay it forward and add a message of hope and support Lifeline –

Give a Gold Coin donation to Lifeline & pay it forward!

Decorate a card leaf to remind those who may have forgotten their Resilience.  The Kindred Art Space Art Therapy Healing Tree Project invites you to share your story of Hope and Resilience in a word or two, for others to be inspired.

The Kindred Art Space Art Therapy Healing Tree has been created from a large driftwood tree found at Phillip Island into a centre-piece for the Learning Centre & Gallery at Kindred Art Space.

The Tea Tree, known for its healing properties has been used by Indigenous people for tens of thousands of years.  The journey of this particular tree, laid in the sand, swept out to sea and then coming to rest on the beach where it was found was a journey of survival and resilience as it endured the weathering process.

Now lovingly installed at Kindred Art Space, it reminds us all of the power of Resilience, the Resilience of nature and the Resilience of the human spirit.