Meet our Specialist Art Therapy, Psychology and Psychotherapy Practitioners and take a tour of Kindred Art Space-Centre for Mental Health

Meet our Practitioners and Take a Tour

Founded by Art Therapist, Kerryn Knight, Kindred Art Space is a specially designed sensory space dedicated to Mental Health
“Where Therapy Begins When You Walk Within”.
Kerryn has been in private practice for 11 years and is an NDIS Registered Provider specialising in Art Therapy and Sandplay Therapy. She is now joined by Dakhylina Madkhul, Psychologist and Sensorimotor Art Therapist and Ella Walker, Psychotherapist and Mental Health Social Worker. Together they provide our community with specialist creative expressive therapies.
Medicare Accredited and NDIS Registered Providers.
Join Kindred Art Space in celebrating their 4th year of serving our community and celebrating the opening of the Atrium Garden and adjoining 5th Consultation Room with glass walls to view the garden. at this very special warehouse conversion in the heart of Frankston.
Enjoy the nurturing atmosphere and take a tour of the Meditation Garden, Learning Centre and many rooms.
More about Kindred Art Space HERE
Light Refreshments Provided – BOOK your Free ticket to RSVP for catering purposes
How to get there:
- By BUS: Bus stops on Nepean Highway and Frankston Dandenong Road a short stroll away
- By TRAIN: Centred between Frankston and Kananook Stations – both a 10 minute walk away
- By CAR: 2 minute drive from the Frankston North off ramp